Pardubice Hradec Králové
Andere titel(s): Pardubice Hradec Králové
Genre: Documentary film
Jaar: 1949
Speelduur: 00:13:00
Beschrijving: A documentary film rhetorically based on a well-known dispute between the inhabitants of the cities of Eastern Bohemia - Pardubice and Hradec Králové. A man from Hradec and a woman from Pardubice argue in a voice over the significance of the history and present of both cities and come to the conclusion that this rivalry does not belong in the future. The Pardubice radio factory (Tesla) and the University of Hradec are presented as key institutions connecting the two cities.
Trefwoorden: univerzita/akademie / sportovní hřiště / mládí / Stavební práce / manuální práce / předválečná architektura / moderní architektura / historická architektura / fasáda / továrna / rádio / university/academy / sports ground / youth / construction work / manual work / prewar architecture / modern architecture / historical architecture / facade / factory / radio / Pardubice / Hradec Králové / Pardubice / Hradec Králové / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rechten: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Productiemaatschappij: KF Praha
Kleur: Black & White
Director: Miroslav Lang
Sound: With sound
Type document :
Language: cs